
Introduction. In recent years, the UTCI bioclimatic index has been used to assess the impact of climatic conditions on health. Goal is an assessment of the morbidity in persons of an organized team in the Arctic to determine the health risk when working in an open area. Materials and methods. According to the data of temperature, wind speed, relative air humidity on Dikson Island and Cape Chelyuskin the UTCI indices were calculated for 2009-2019. The health risk was assessed by the degrees of cold stress. We retrospectively estimated the prevalence of diseases, including primary morbidity, in 25-45 years persons over 2015-2020 by general and by classes of diseases. Results. In terms of severity, cold risk was characterized from severe to extreme stress. According to the prevalence of diseases, 76.5% of the total population accounted for 6 classes of diseases according to ICD-10 included respiratory, genitourinary, endocrine systems, nutrition disorders and metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, digestive organs, circulatory system. In the structure of morbidity according to primary appeal, 79.5% according to ICD-10 accounted for diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, injuries and ear diseases. During long-term observation in the prevalence of diseases, the incidence of injuries increased, according to primary data - diseases associated with mental disorders, damage to the nervous system, skin diseases and diseases of the subcutaneous tissue, injuries. Limitations. The results obtained require verification in age-standardized cohorts; in various gender groups and groups working in organized and unorganized teams, as well as in various internship groups. Conclusion. According to UTCI, health risk in the Arctic was assessed as cold stress including severe (3-4 months), very severe (2-3 months) and extreme (5-6 months). Morbidity for current classes of diseases indicates both the impact of the climate of the Arctic on the health of people in an organized team, and working conditions.

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