
Modern society is familiar with capitalism and the rationalization of social relations. Today, they face a complicated problem related to social identity. Atomistic, impersonal and competitive society in the market and capitalism cause society does not find their individual identity in social identity. This study aimed to determine the views of Al-Ghazali and Emile Durkheim about the differences and similarities of moral education as well as the relevance of the two figures’ thoughts. This study used the Library Research type. The data collection used primary and secondary sources. Data are analyzed using historical, descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The results indicate that moral education based on Al-Ghazali's view is to configure humans who are saintly to get closer to God. The sources of al-Ghazali’s moral education are revelation and strict guidance from the sheikh so it does not optimize the function of reason. Meanwhile, moral education of Emile Durkheim is a social means to realize social goals. The purpose of moral education is the creation of social solidarity and social equilibrium in society.

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