
Raudhatul Azka, NIM 088162574, Moral Education in the Qur'an (Anticipation of the Development of Hoax News in the Community), Thesis, Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, 2018. This research is motivated by the rise of hoax news spread in various media. Both print and online media, and most of the people are less concerned about this. Hoax news is fake news that is fabricated or distorted from real reality. Many hoax news spread in various media. Starting from broadcast messages, print media, and online media. In fact, some mainstream online media also have a lot of hoax news to be used as information for the public. Based on these problems, the formulation of the problem in the research is how the form of moral education in the Qur'an (anticipation of the development of hoax news in the community) ?. The aim to be achieved in this thesis is to find out: a) the purpose of moral education in the Qur'an (anticipating the development of hoax news in the community), b) the method used in the Qur'an to anticipate the development of hoax news in middle society, c) moral education material in the Qur'an (anticipation of the development of hoax news in the community), d) the purpose of moral education in the Qur'an (anticipation of the development of hoax news in the community), e) values of moral education in the Qur'an (anticipation of the development of hoax news in the community). To answer these problems, the method of tahlili or content analysis is used in this literature research, both on primary sources and secondary sources. The data from the primary and secondary sources are then classified carefully and thoroughly based on the topics that have been determined and then analyzed and interpreted qualitatively. Based on the research conducted, it was concluded that the goal of moral education anticipation of hoax news is to realize an inner attitude capable of spontaneously encouraging all good-value actions or fostering the formation of noble habits, then to give lessons and advice to those who spread hoax news, then foster an attitude of patience towards something that is denied, because God will always give help, the next goal is to always be vigilant in receiving a message, also remind each other among fellow humans, and to foster love for the faith. While the method of moral education is tabayyun or clarification, reading, reminding each other then giving a picture of the consequences of lying, then distancing themselves from people who used to lie, and bringing four witnesses to examine the news.

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