
The problem of providing the population with food is one of the most important and complex among the problems that society faces today. Food must not only meet the human needs for essential nutrients and energy, but also perform preventive and curative functions. Mutton is one of the foods that meets these requirements. It is distinguished by its high nutritional properties and taste. It can be a potential source of various pathogens and pollutants under certain condition that will pose a risk to the health of the consumer. Monitoring of separate elements of the safety and quality management system of slaughter products of small cattle under the influence of epidemiological (veterinary) factors was the aim of our research. Reporting on veterinary medicine issues in the Tatarbunarsky district of the Odessa region for 2013–2017, which was processed statistically, was the material of our research. It found that the main specific mass of number of small cattle grown in Homstead farms by inhabitants of the area. The district veterinary service carried out a number of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures during the trial period. In the Household farms only mandatory activities were carried out, which are founded from the budget account (serological tests for brucellosis and preventive vaccination against Anthrax). Analysis of the volumes and conditions of slaughter of small cattle in the area showed that the number of slaughtered animals invariably decreases from year to year and 100% of slaughter is carried out by the farmer in the conditions of homestead farms. It was also established that in the experimental period, according to results of pre-slaughter clinical examination of animals and post-slaughter examination no cases of illness were identified. Selling of slaughter products of small cattle is carried out through a distributing facilities of agrofood markets of district and region. The analysis found that all carcasses that entered to the markets succumbed to veterinary-sanitary examination in State Laboratories of Veterinary-Sanitary Examination, the results of which in 2015 and 2016 reveald cases of invasive diseases (fasciolosis and echinococcosis). This fact is worrying about the quality of its conducts in the conditions of the household slaughter, accuming that during the post-slaughter veterinary-sanitary examination no cases of illness have been identified. Summarizing the monitoring results we obtained, we concluded that at this stage the safety management system for the products of slaughter of small cattle cannot fully guarantee consumer safety and requires urgent complex measures to increase efficiency.


  • Monitoring of separate elements of the management system for the safety of slaughter products of small cattle

  • Monitoring of separate elements of the safety and quality management system of slaughter products of small cattle under the influence of epidemiological factors was the aim of our research

  • Reporting on veterinary medicine issues in the Tatarbunarsky district of the Odessa region for 2013–2017, which was processed statistically, was the material of our research. It found that the main specific mass of number of small cattle grown in Homstead farms by inhabitants of the area

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Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv, Pekarska Str., 50, Lviv, 79010, Ukraine. Підсумовуючи отримані результати моніторингу, ми дійшли висновку, що на даному етапі система управління безпечністю продуктів забою дрібної рогатої худоби не може повною мірою гарантувати безпеку для споживача і потребує негайних комплексних заходів з метою підвищення її ефективності. Як і будь-яке м’ясо, це не тільки цінний харчовий продукт, а й добре середовище для розвитку мікроорганізмів і може становити потенційне джерело різних патогенів, які не тільки знижують її якість, а за певних умов викликають небезпеку для здоров’я споживача, тому ветеринарносанітарному контролю м’ясопродуктів служба ветеринарної медицини завжди приділяла підвищену увагу (DSTU ІSO 2000-2007; ISO 22000:2018; Mukharovskyi, 2011). Враховуючи вищевикладене, метою нашого дослідження було провести моніторинг ефективності системи управління безпечністю продуктів забою дрібної рогатої худоби на окремих її етапах щодо епідеміологічних (ветеринарних) чинників, з вирішенням таких завдань: визначити ефективність системи управління безпечністю на етапі вирощування; визначити ефективність системи управління безпечністю на етапі забою та первинної переробки; визначити ефективність системи управління безпечністю на етапі реалізації

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