
Human economic activity leads to a significant redistribution of natural radionuclides in the environ-ment. Radiation background in buildings is considered as one of the main types of radiation exposure on the population, since a person spends most of his time indoors. Currently, with the adoption of federal laws: “On the radiation safety of the population” No. 3-FZ 09.01.1996, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” No. 52-FZ 30.03.1999, and also on the “Radiation Safety Standards "(NRB-99/2009)," Basic Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Radiation Safety "(OSPORB-99/2009), approaches to the organization of radiation control in the construction industry and, consequently, to the organization of radiation safety con-trol of the population, have changed in many ways. The article deals with the problems of ensuring radiation and environmental safety in the construction of buildings.The need for research on the radiation-ecological characteristics of buildings is shown. An important problem for the construction industry is the radiation and hygienic support of technological processes and construction. In many ways, the solution of the problems related to improving of the radiation safety of building complexes depends on the implementation of legisla-tion connected with population restrictions from exposure of natural radionuclides. The results of large-scale studies of the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides in building materials and industrial waste produced and used in the Volgograd region are presented in this article. It has been established that con-struction materials produced in the Volgograd region, in accordance with national legislative and regulatory requirements, belong to class 1 and can be used for the construction of residential and public buildings. There have been presented the results of the survey on the radon content in the air of residential buildings from various building materials, as well as the density of radon fluxes from the soil. Radiation monitoring of construction sites is necessa ensure the radiation safety of the population.

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