
Research was done to molecularly identify Trichoderma isolates and to study the effect combination of Trichoderma isolates and Zingiberaceae extracts on downy mildew intensity as well as the growth of maize. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with three replicates. The experiment consisted of combination between Trichoderma isolates (no Trichoderma, East Lampung isolate, and Plant Clinic isolate) and Zingiberaceae extracts: ginger/jahe (Zingiber officinale), turmeric/kunyit (Curcuma longa), lengkuas (Alpinia galanga), galangale/kencur (Kaempferia galanga), temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza), and temu hitam (Curcuma aeroginosa). Variables observed were disease incidence, incubation periode, plant height, and dry matter weight. Data were analyzed using analyses of variance and the difference between means were tested using LSD test at 5% significant level. Based on molecular identification, both Trichoderma isolates (East Lampung isolates and Plant Clinic isolate) are Trichoderma asperrelum. The results showed that combination of T. asperellum isolates and Zingiberaceae extracts lowered the disease incidence of maize downy mildew, prolonged the incubation period, increased plant height and dry matter weight. The best result was shown by combination of T. asperellum isolate from NTF East Lampung and tumeric extract.

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