
Hydrangeamacrophylla commercial crops have an import-ant economic significance for the eastern region of the de-partment of Antioquia, Colombia, due to its impact on em-ployment and local development. This flowering plant can be attacked by several phytopathogens among them nem-atodes of the genus Aphelenchoides; which can produce necrotic lesions on the plant leaves as well decreased photo-synthetic rate, dwarfism, and flower malformation. Addition-ally, this pathogen is considered a regulated pest and limits the international commercialization of the flower. The aim of this study was to molecularly identify the Aphelenchoidesspecies associated with infected H.macrophylla plants in crops the municipalities of Medellin, La Ceja, and Rionegro. This is the first report of the species of this phytopathogen for Colombia. The sampling activities were performed in ten commercial crops locate at the three municipalities. The isolated nematodes were subject to DNA-based tests were the 18S rDNA gene was amplified, sequenced and analyzed using phylogenetic methods. The obtained results showed the infection of Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi within the Santa Elena (Medellin) area in crops and A. fragarie within the mu-nicipalities of La Ceja, and Rionegro.

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