
Nitrogen (N) fertilisation is critical for sugarcane crop production. Consequently, overuse of N fertiliser in sugarcane is widespread and it is most prevalent in China. Yet, a comprehensive analysis of sugarcane N balance accounting for different reactive N (Nr) loss pathways, crop N use and soil N retention using 15N labelled fertilisers under commercial high-input cropping conditions is lacking. A two-year field experiment with 5 N levels (0–560 kg N ha−1; N0, N210, N300, N390, N560) was conducted to quantify the effect of N rate on sugarcane yield, Nr loss through different loss pathways, crop N use and soil N retention, and to identify an optimal N rate that sustain high yield whilst reducing Nr loss in Southern China. The results showed that optimal N rate (N300) had similar yield compared with farmer practice (N560) for the plant crop and the ratoon crop. Nitrogen leaching and ammonia loss were increased significantly with increase in N rate, with farmer practice recording the highest Nr loss. Compared with farmer practice, under optimal N application, N leaching was reduced from 211 kg ha−1 to 107 kg ha−1 and from 244 kg ha−1 to 165 kg ha−1 for the plant and ratoon crops, respectively. The ammonia volatilization from the plant crop and the ratoon crop in the optimal N treatment was 24.8 kg ha−1 and 27.0 kg ha−1, respectively, which are considerably less compared with the emission from the farmer practice. There was no significant difference in nitrous oxide emission between optimal N rate and farmer practice. 15N labelling studies showed that crop N recovery, soil N residue and fertiliser N lost at the optimal N rate were 20.9%, 24.9% and 54.2%, respectively, as opposed to 12.5%, 14.8% and 72.7%. respectively, under farmer practice. To the best of our knowledge, this study forms the first comprehensive evaluation of sugarcane N balance accounting Nr loss, N use and native N soil stock covering a wide range of N supply simultaneously in the plant and ratoon crops under commercial crop production condition. This study thus provides very valuable new knowledge not only for crop N supply optimisation in high-input sugarcane production systems as in China but also for sugarcane greenhouse gas accounting studies particularly from climate change mitigation and bioenergy production context.

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