
The present study was designed toevaluate the effect of whole flour andhydroalcoholic extract of finger millet (Elusinecoracana) in high fat diet (HFD) andstreptozotocin induced metabolic syndrome inrats. The HFD was fed to the rats for a period of45 days to induce hyperlipidemia. Diabeteswas induced by single intraperitoneal injectionof streptozotocin (65mg/kg i.p) in 0.1M citratebuffer pH 4.5. Animals with fasting blood sugarlevel of 250 mg/dl were considered ashyperlipidemic diabetic rats (HDR) and wereselected for the study. The HDR were dividedinto five groups with six animals in each groupand one group of normal animals. The HDRreceived whole flour and hydroalcoholicextract of Elusine coracana at a dose of 100,200 and 400 mg/kg for a period of 21 days.Body weight, body mass index, fasting bloodsugar level, lipid profile and the level ofoxidative stress was measured in animals afterthe treatment. All treatments significantlydecreased body weight, BMI, fasting bloodsugar and also improved lipid profile in HDR ascompared to the toxicant control. Thetreatments significantly reduced the level oflipid peroxidation and improved superoxidedismutase and reduced glutathione in thepancreas of HDR. Whole flour andhydroalcoholic extract of Elusine coracana at adose of 200 and 400 mg/kg caused significantalleviation of the abnormalities of metabolicsyndrome in rats.

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