
Carrying Capacity is an important consideration in sustainable tourism development. One of the developing tourist destination in Bali island is Geger Beach which is located in Badung regency, Bali. Geger beach has different conditions with other beaches, therefore it is necessary to determine the estimation area and duration for tourist activities without degrading the quality of the environment. This study aimed to determine the unit of the area, the required time, and the total time per day for particular tourist category according to the condition at Geger beach. Moreover, this study investigated the condition of carrying capacity in the Geger beach. The data were collected primary data obtained by interviewed 100 respondents in Geger Beach and based on literature study on the secondary data. Results showed that the average area for tourism activities (Lt) is 41.5 m2 and the duration for tourism activities (Wp) is 2.29 hours/day. The total time that area provided for tourism activities is 10 hours/day and the total area is 5.023 m2. Carrying capacity value at Geger beach uses Lt and Wp value is 529 people/day, 16.385 people/month or 196.620 people/year. The carrying capacity of Geger Beach conditions is suggested remain under carrying capacity for the entire month and the total visits during 2016.


  • Carrying Capacity is an important consideration in sustainable tourism development

  • This study investigated the condition of carrying capacity in the Geger beach

  • Kesesuaian dan Daya Dukung Kawasan Wisata Pantai Botutonuo, Kecamatan Kabila Bone, Kabupaten Bone Bolango.Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 1(2), 8994

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Konsep Daya Dukung Kawasan (DDK) merupakan indikator penting dalam mengelola aktivitas manusia dan ketersediaan lahan penunjangnya (Sari et al, 2015). Kondisi kawasan wisata dan pengunjung di Pantai Geger memiliki perbedaan dengan kawasan lainnya yaitu luas area dan waktu untuk kunjungan wisatawan. Penelitian Rahmawati et al (2014) di pantai Teleng Ria, Pacitan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan Lt dan Wp menurut Yulianda (2007) pada luas area total 7.209 m2, diperoleh nilai DDK yaitu 359 orang/hari atau 131 ribu orang/tahun.Jika dibandingkan dengan kunjungan yang berjumlah 474 orang/hari atau 171 ribu orang/tahun, maka kegiatan wisata di Pantai Teleng Ria tergolong melebihi DDK (over carrying capacity). Penelitian Vibriyanto et al (2015) di Pantai Lombang menggunakan nilai Lt dan Wp hasil modifikasi pada luas area total 15.000 m2, dengan nilai Lt 250 m2 dan nilai Wp 3 jam, nilai DDK yang diperoleh adalah 200 orang/ hari atau 72.000 orang/tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodifikasi besar unit area (Lp), waktu yang dibutuhkan (Wt) dan total waktu selama 1 hari untuk kategori wisata tertentu sesuai kondisi di Pantai Geger serta mengetahui kondisi DDK di Pantai Geger

Jenis Data
Alat dan Bahan Penelitian
Metode Pengumpulan Data
Analisa Data
Perhitungan DDK
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