
The article discusses the features, sources of replenishment and etymological aspects of youth slang in the modern Ukrainian language. The article provides historical aspects of the appearance of the concept of slang and changes in its meaning are given. The study identifies and describes the main varieties of this phenomenon: youth, professional, computer, criminal slang as well as slang associated with hobbies. Youth slang is classified depending on the social group and includes school, student, network, gaming, hacker, and subcultural slang. Also, the authors draw conclusions about the positive and negative aspects of the influence of slang on the state of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The study interprets slang as a relatively stable for a certain period, widely used, stylistically marked lexical layer, a component of expressive vernacular, included in literary language, heterogeneous in its sources, the degree of approximation to the literary standard with pejorative expression. The main sources of modern Ukrainian youth slang include information technology, the Internet and foreign language borrowing. It has been proven that youth slang is formed as a result of updating and enriching the language with borrowed words that young people begin to use in their own speech, trying to seem more interesting and modern to convey emotions, thoughts and attitudes to something or someone. It has been found that there are several types of slang in the way they are formed: word formation, reduction, affixation, conversion, metaphorization and borrowing. Youth slang is one of the uncodified subsystems of the modern Ukrainian language, and it is at this level that one can trace how and to what extent linguistic phenomena are related to changes in social life in society.

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