
European integration processes have become an indispensable feature and direction of development of meat cattle breeding in Ukraine. At the same time, the interrelated activity of the state and agricultural enterprises, aimed at ensuring food security of the state, was of paramount importance. Sales volumes for slaughter of cattle and poultry by all categories of farms increased in 2018, compared to 2017, by 34.3 thousand tons, including agricultural enterprises increased by 49.9 thousand tons, and households decreased by 15.6 thousand. The volume of sales of cattle and poultry on slaughter in all categories of farms has increased 11 regions, in agricultural enterprises – 11, in farms of the population – 8 oblasts. In January-November 2018, the overall indicator for livestock and poultry farming in agricultural enterprises increased by 65.5 thousand tons compared to the corresponding period of last year due to an increase in poultry production by 81.9 thousand tons. The stock of cattle on January 1, 2019 in all categories of farms decreased, against the corresponding period of 2018, by 152.0 thousand heads, including 27.7 thousand in agricultural enterprises, and in the farms of the population – by 124.3 thousand goals. In 2018, in all categories of farms, the number of pigs, as compared to 2017, decreased by 123.4 thousand heads, including 124.3 thousand heads in the households, and by 70 per cent in agricultural enterprises, 5 thousand heads. The bovine population in all categories of farms as of January 1, 2019 increased by 5957.5 thousand heads compared to the corresponding period of last year, including 5474.3 thousand in agricultural enterprises, and 483.2 thousand in households , while the realization of slaughter of cattle and poultry increased by 34.3 thousand tons in live weight (1.0%). According to customs authorities in 2018: exports of meat and meat products in terms of meat in January-November 2018 amounted to 368.2 thousand tons, which is January-November 2017 (320.3 thousand tons). t) more by 47.9 thousand tons, or by 15.0%. At the same time, in monetary terms, exports increased by $ 118.2 million. The United States, or 24.1%, amounted to $ 608.6 million. USA; imports of meat and meat products in terms of meat in January-November 2018 amounted to 239.1 thousand tons, which is more compared to 2017 (190.3 thousand tons) by 48.8 thousand tons, or 25.6%. At the same time, in monetary terms, imports were at the level of 170.0 million USD. US $ 55.6 million The United States (or 48.6%) more than last year ($ 114.4 million).


  • Article infoSales volumes for slaughter of cattle and poultry by all categories of farms increased in 2018, compared to 2017, by 34.3 thousand tons, including agricultural enterprises increased by 49.9 thousand tons, and households decreased by 15.6 thousand

  • Modern tendencies of development of meat cattle breeding in Ukraine in conditions of European integration

  • Sales volumes for slaughter of cattle and poultry by all categories of farms increased in 2018, compared to 2017, by 34.3 thousand tons, including agricultural enterprises increased by 49.9 thousand tons, and households decreased by 15.6 thousand

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Sales volumes for slaughter of cattle and poultry by all categories of farms increased in 2018, compared to 2017, by 34.3 thousand tons, including agricultural enterprises increased by 49.9 thousand tons, and households decreased by 15.6 thousand. The bovine population in all categories of farms as of January 1, 2019 increased by 5957.5 thousand heads compared to the corresponding period of last year, including 5474.3 thousand in agricultural enterprises, and 483.2 thousand in households , while the realization of slaughter of cattle and poultry increased by 34.3 thousand tons in live weight (1.0%). Поголів’я птиці в усіх категоріях господарств на 1 січня 2019 року збільшилося проти відповідного періоду минулого року на 5957,5 тис. Постановка завдання: дослідити сучасні тенденції розвитку м’ясного тваринництва України в контексті створення зони вільної торгівлі між Україною та країнами Європейського Союзу

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