
The article analyzes the current state and main trends of socio-economic development of agriculture in 1990-2018. In particular, the analysis of gross agricultural output of Ukraine (at constant prices in 2010) in all categories of farms, including agricultural enterprises, the dynamics of gross crop and livestock production in agricultural enterprises and its structure are studied. The main trends of agricultural development are identified and analyzed in the context of the theory of multifunctionality in conditions of uncertainty. The reasons for the reduction of the livestock industry, which is one of the components of sustainable development and allows a comprehensive solution to a number of economic, environmental and social problems. A thorough analysis of crop production by its main types in all categories of farms, the structure of sown areas and the level of crop yields in agricultural enterprises, analyzed the performance of its operation. As a result of low profitability, high material consumption of growing and harvesting, companies lost interest in the production of sugar beets and gradually began to prefer the cultivation of crops that are in demand in the market and profitable. This applies to sunflower and cereals and legumes. The level of staffing of enterprises is investigated. In particular, the dynamics of the population in Ukraine in 1990-2019, the employed population and employees in agriculture, forestry and fisheries of Ukraine are analyzed. Among the main factors that provoke labor shortages in agriculture are: the elimination of the livestock industry, which reduces the level of seasonality; lack of motivation, which is manifested mainly in low wages; remoteness of agricultural enterprises from large cities; migration abroad and others. Based on the analysis, it is determined that the increase in agricultural production at enterprises should be due to: comprehensive intensification of the industry, introduction of modern innovative technologies, adherence to scientifically sound crop rotations, livestock development, wage growth, increasing the prestige of the profession. This will not only contribute to the socio-economic development of agriculture, but also allow agricultural producers to become competitive and take a worthy place in the world market.

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