
The article examines the current problem of international communications of administrative management in the conditions of sustainabledevelopment, and also substantiates the need to apply a systemic approach to its solution. The world is becoming increasingly globalized, leading to a growing need for improving communication processes between organizations from different countries and cultures. To achieve the articles’ goal, the main approaches to system analysis were considered, as well as their application to improve international communications. The role of the system approach in increasing the efficiency of interaction between variousstakeholders and promoting sustainable development is analyzed in detail. Additionally, the article provides specific recommendations for the application of systemic analysis methods in practical situations of international communications. This may include implementing a monitoring and evaluation system for communication strategies, developing culturally adaptive approaches to engage with various stakeholders, and utilizing intercultural training and education tools to enhance perception and understandingof different cultural contexts.The concluding remarks of the article emphasize that the use of a systemic approach is essential for effectively addressing the challenges of international communications in the context of sustainable development. It facilitates collaboration among stakeholders, improves the qualityof communication processes, and contributes to achieving sustainable development on an international level.The article contains valuable information for professionals in the field of administrative management who are interested in enhancing international communications for the purpose of sustainable development. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the application of a systemic approach in this context and offers specific methods and recommendations for their practical implementation.

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