
MBR biochemical conditions have an effect on membrane fouling and SMP have been attributed to be the main MBR foulant. Thus, predicting the SMP concentration is essential for understanding and controlling MBR fouling. However, existing SMP models are mostly too complex and over-parameterized, resulting in inadequate or absent parameter estimation and validation. This study extends the existing activated sludge model No. 2d (ASM2d) to ASM2dSMP with introduction of only 4 additional SMP-related parameters. Dynamic batch experimental results were used for SMP parameter estimation leading to reasonable parameter confidence intervals. Finally, the ASM2dSMP model was used to predict the impact of operational parameters on SMP concentration. It would found that solid retention time (SRT) is the key parameter controlling the SMP concentration. A lower SRT increased the utilization associated products (UAP) concentration, but decreased the biomass associated products (BAP) concentration and vice versa. A SRT resulting in minimum total SMP concentration can be predicted, and is found to be a relatively low value in the MBR. If MBRs operate under dynamic conditions and biological nutrient removal is required, a moderate SRT condition should be applied.

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