The development of the Ocean Circulation and Advanced Climate Model (OCCAM) code for array processors code runs on workstations using PVM or MPI and on the Cray T3D, where the Cray specific SHMEM message passing library is used. The OCCAM code is a fully global version of the Bryan-Cox-Semtner ocean general circulation model using a 2 grid system to avoid the problems of grid convergence at the North Pole. The governing equations (Navier-Stokes with Coriolis terms) are discretized across a structured 3D (longitude-latitude-depth) grid and are solved using finite difference methods and explicit time marching. At execution time, one processor is used for I/O and the ocean is partitioned in the longitude-latitude plane among the remaining processors. There is no work associated with the land points and, therefore, each processor forms a list of the ocean points and loops over these points only. New advection schemes have been implemented which improve the representation of fronts and work is continuing to investigate their long term effects. Currently, a sea ice model is being added to improve the representation of the heat exchange at high latitudes. This includes a thermodynamic model and an explicit dynamic model.
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