
I would like to model and simulate 3D label free Nano Amperometric Biosensor for drug delivery and detection of cancerous cells. An Amperometric biosensor is one which has a biological element and a transducer. The analysis to whom the transduction to take place is referred to as analyte. The biological element I use in my work is enzyme, it can be even a living cell, DNA and proteins. Enzyme which I use in my work is Glucose Oxidase (GODx). The analyte primitively used in experimentation is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and cancerous blood. The GODx reacts with H2O2 and releases out oxygen, the amount of oxygen is calibrated in terms of current in milli amperes, so the biological change is calibrated terms of electrical parameter and so it is called amperometric biosensor. But in actual practice, the process is reversible, we inhale oxygen and exhale CO2, but a biosensor releases Oxygen out and inhales the analyte decomposition. This process is called Direct Current Cyclic Voltammetry. A potentiometric biosensor calibrates the analytes in terms of potential or voltage.

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