Increasingly the photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are becoming essential device and component for high-performance computer systems and telecommunication networks. With PIC's improved performance and diverse functionality, a hybrid electronic/photonic integrated circuits & systems are promising many exciting network applications. But there exists a need for a system-level CAD tool, which can model, simulate and synthesize electronic/photonic integrated circuits simultaneously and at multiple levels of abstraction. In this paper, we demonstrate a VHDL-based optoelectronic system modeling and simulation tool: Optoelectronic System Simulator (OSS), which can model, simulate and automatically synthesize PICs and hybrid electronic/photonic systems. The OSS is a conventional event-driven simulator integrated with circuit simulators and technology-dependent ordinary/partial differential equation (ODE/PDE) solver libraries. In particular, the OSS is capable of modeling and synthesizing complex waveguide networks in VHDL-based EDA environments by integrating a finite-difference beam propagation method (FD-BPM) and by automatically generating Auto-LISP layout scripts for PIC photomasks. The OSS supports multiple-level models with a system hierarchy support and it can generate a high-level behavioral model from a numerical FD-BPM simulation result. The use of OSS will be discussed with PIC design, modeling, and synthesis examples.
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