
 This article discusses the problem of modeling cultural and language environment in the preparation of specialists for intercultural communication. Intercultural communication presupposes that the interlocutors have the necessary amount of information about the specifics of the culture in contact, mentality, value system, traditions, peculiarities of the interlocutor’s speech and non-speech behavior. The simulated environment contains the necessary amount of information, the assimilation of which contributes to the success of international specialists in intercultural communication. The purpose of the article was to develop criteria for the selection of media materials, to determine the functions of a multimedia environment, as well as to identify the advantages and controversial aspects of its creation. In the course of the research, methods of analysis of scientific and theoretical sources, analysis and systematization of empirical experience were used. The article presents the concept of multimedia cultural and language environment, understood as a cultural and linguistic communicative space created for educational purposes with the help of multimedia, in which the perception of a foreign language speech and the culture it broadcasts is realized. Based on the goals of training international specialists, the following criteria for the selection of authentic media materials are being developed: compliance with the value attitudes of modern Russian society, compliance with the topic of educational programs, novelty of information, availability of language design of texts. The functions of the multimedia cultural and linguistic environment are educational, informational, diagnostic, motivational.


  • This article discusses the problem of modeling cultural and language environment in the preparation of specialists for intercultural communication

  • Intercultural communication presupposes that the interlocutors have the necessary amount of information

  • The simulated environment contains the necessary amount of information

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This article discusses the problem of modeling cultural and language environment in the preparation of specialists for intercultural communication. В статье исследуется проблема моделирования культурно-языковой среды при подготовке специалистов к межкультурной коммуникации. В статье представлено понятие цифровой культурно-языковой среды как созданного в учебных целях на основе цифровых технологий культурно-языкового коммуникативного пространства, в котором реализуется восприятие иноязычной речи и транслируемой ею культуры. В соответствии с целями подготовки специалистов международного профиля разработаны критерии отбора аутентичных медиаматериалов: соответствия ценностям российского общества, соответствия проблематике вузовских учебных программ, новизны представленной информации, доступности лексико-грамматического оформления.

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