
Advances in information and communication technology are driving the rapid development of online transportation. The growth rate of online transportation has an impact on intermodal competition, especially in urban areas. One of the most-used online transportation applications in Indonesia is the online motorcycle taxi. This type of raid-hailing transportation offers flexibility, as it can filter through traffic, and affordable costs, making it a popular mode of transportation for the wider community. It is interesting to find out variables affecting people’s choice of online motorcycle taxi as compared to private vehicles of the same type, namely motorcylce. This study aims to build a mode selection model to compare between motorcycle - as the most widely used mode - and online motorcycle taxi. The data were collected through a home- interview survey of 150 workers in Yogyakarta Indonesia who normally travel to work using motorcycle or online motorcycle taxis on their daily basis. Data analysis were conducted using binary logistic regression in SPSS version 24 and included sociodemographic variables and travel characteristics. The analysis showed that gender, age, number of vehicle ownership, and travel time affected people’s choice on online motorcycle taxi or motorcycle.

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