
Purpose: substantiation of necessity of realization of a system of differentiation in educational process at University. Methodology: analysis, comparison, classification, modeling. Results: developed a model of the educational process at the University based on the system of differentiation, in which the unity of the implemented external, internal, and multi-level differentiation. Each type of differentiation performs certain functions. Internal differentiation enables you to identify potential opportunities of students and create favorable conditions for their successful professional training through a differentiated approach. External differentiation allows to extend and (or) to deepen the professional training of students through the various activities of choice. Different-level differentiation allows you to create a situation of success for students with different levels of development of personal and professional qualities at the expense of the multi-level jobs, dosing the teacher's assistance. Types of differentiation in unity permeate the education content, methods, forms and terms of training, will allow to bring the educational process to the individual, to create in the University developmental environment, allowing to reveal the inner potential of each student, to enrich the life and professional experience. Practical implications: the system of professional education, pedagogy of higher school.

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