
The modern system of additional professional education offers new principles and approaches to organising the pedagogical process. In this regard, the issue of choosing the most appropriate technologies and tools for organising training and building an effective model of the educational process in the system of additional professional education of medical workers is relevant. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of pedagogical modeling of the educational process in the system of additional professional education of medical workers. Research methodology and methods. The article discusses theoretical and conceptual modeling ideas presented in domestic and foreign literature. The study was conducted on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the Centre for Distance Educational Technologies of the Department of Postgraduate Education. Research Results. During the study, it was revealed that pedagogical modeling of the educational process in the system of additional professional education of medical specialists has its own characteristics. Conclusion. When modeling the educational process in the system of additional professional education, the current requirements and needs of medical specialists must be taken into account, which makes it possible to adapt the content and methodology of training to specific professional tasks. Besides, it is important to consider the practice-focused nature of medical education: internships, training practical skills on simulators, active use of digital educational technologies, the possibility of individualising training so that all students could develop their professional skills according to their needs. The system is for assessing academic performance and monitoring student satisfaction with training, which allows to adjust the educational process and ensure high quality education is an important part of pedagogical modeling.

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