
Objective. The objective of the article is to substantiate the model of infrastructural support of the tour­ism industry of the Donetsk economic region on the basis of authenticity and spatial polarization of the tour­ism market. Methods. To achieve the set tasks and goals, the following research methods were used in the work: system analysis and synthesis (to develop a model of infrastructure support for the tourism industry of the Donetsk economic region based on the authenticity and spatial polarization of the tourism market); pro­gram-targeted approach (when regulating the powers of state authorities and local authorities that manage and regulate tourism); process approach (for the architectural presentation of a step-by-step scheme for the formation of a local management system for local tourism development); graphic and tabular methods (for visual representation of statistical material). Results. The model of infrastructure support for the tourism industry of the Donetsk economic region has been developed based on the authenticity and spatial polarization of the tourism market. The model involves the use of specific mechanisms of authentic management and taking into account the authenticity of cultural and historical resources of local tourism markets, asymmetry of infrastructural and socio-economic develop­ment of markets, spatial polarization of natural, climatic and recreational factors of local tourism markets which allows to form competitive advantages through the use of specific tourism determinants of local tourism markets. The proposed model is based on specific principles, namely: integrativity, optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of management, adaptability, rationality, unity, flexibility, complexity, authenticity and multiculturalism. A simplified scheme for the formation of a local management system for local tourism development is proposed, which is based on three interrelated stages: analytical, program and implementation.

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