
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is an innovative approach to language learning that utilizes mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to support language learning. MALL has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the widespread availability of mobile devices and the flexibility they offer for language learning. The aim of this research is to interpret and discuss the findings of qualitative research to understand how Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in English affects language learning through a systematic research method called meta-synthesis. As a result of this meta-synthesis research, academic, convenience, social, or cultural functions, and pedagogical functions codes were reached as the functions of using MALL in the classes from the teachers' perspectives. The advantages of MALL were identified as being portable and convenient, encouraging immediate feedback and self-feedback, improving language skills, increasing learner autonomy, providing a faster way of learning, releasing the pressure associated with traditional learning, increasing motivation, boosting self-confidence, and encouraging collaboration with other learners. The disadvantages were classified as leading to being easily distracted, being prone to disruptions due to technical problems such as internet connection problems, having challenges due to poor technology literacy and insufficient functions of mobile devices such as small screen size, being unable to study without an imposed structure or schedule, involving inauthentic feedback and self-assessment, having difficulty finding a satisfactory app, and having difficulty choosing the appropriate learning content.

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