Semiconductors are extensively used in many industrial and residential applications that leads to drop in the quality of voltages and currents in distribution system. Faults causes balance or unbalance voltage sag and phase jumping. Sensitive loads effected not only by the voltage sag but also by the variation in phase angle specially the motor drive systems. Poor power quality may cause interruption of production and coasting a huge amount of money. New remedies that adopted in recent years are using active filters. UPQC is an active device used to enhance the quality of the load voltage as well as current of utility. Little attention is made in literature for comparing methods of injection voltage in the case of unbalance voltage and phase jumping. Three methods of voltage sag compensation based on the mode of injected voltage are adopted. A deep comparison between synchronous reference frame, quadrature injection voltage and pre-sag compensation methods based on the rating, total harmonic distortion, phase jumping mitigation point of view show that a proposed presage compensation method is more suitable for mitigation voltage sag. Abnormal voltages and currents are recovered simultaneously in all studied cases.
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