
Missile Defense Review 2019 (MDR) was released after almost a year of delay. The article delivers analysis of origin and significance of main MDR features. The Review is one of main documents on military policy of D. Trump administration. The article consists of five parts. The first part is about missile threat assessment. Future trends of missile defense architecture development can be detected in a way how missile threats are characterized. The second part is about missile defense architecture. It contains an overview of main new features which was established in missile defense strategy and architecture. Analysis of origin of these changes is also given. The third part contains a characterization of missile defense research & development, testing and acquisition approach presented in MDR. The fourth part is about missile defense cooperation between the U.S. and their allies in various regions. The final part of the article contains findings regarding possible consequences of MDR for strategic stability and regional security matters. MDR confirms several features which are fundamentally new for U.S. missile defense strategy and doctrine (for example, “left of launch” operations). These missile defense programs and concepts have been developed during first years of D. Trump presidency. MDR addresses not only ballistic missile threats but also hypersonic and cruise missile threats for the U.S. homeland, deployed forces and allies. Almost each part of MDR has new features which can influence U.S. missile defense development. Trump administration approach to missile defense development and deployment could have profound effect both on strategic stability and security environment in various regions.

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