
Mikhail israelevich was born on December 20, 1924 in Minsk. He lived in the cities of Borisov, Gomel and Vitebsk. With the beginning of the war he went to the Caucasus, where in 1941 he entered the North Ossetian medical Institute (Vladikavkaz), moving to study in Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl. From 1944 to 1951 he worked as an assistant of the departments of normal anatomy, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, hospital surgery of Yaroslavl medical Institute, doctor of the regional station of sanitary aviation. In the summer of 1947 he worked in the hospitals of Kologriv, Rybinsk. From 1954 to 1955-assistant of the Department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the 1st Moscow medical Institute, and then associate Professor at the course of surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis at the Department of tuberculosis of the Central Institute of advanced medical. From 1958 to 1962-head of the Department of surgery of the small circle of blood circulation in the research Institute of experimental biology and medicine of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), from 1963 thoracic surgery research Institute of clinical and experimental surgery of the USSR Ministry of health (now rsch RAMS), which led for 18 years. In 1964 he was awarded the title of Professor and this year he is a consultant of the 4th Main Directorate of the Ministry of health of the USSR. Since 1966-Chairman of the problem Commission "Thoracic surgery" Of the scientific Council on surgery of RAMS. From 1969 to 1991-General Secretary of the all-Union society of surgeons. Since 1971-member Of the international society of surgeons. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1986 academician of the Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR. In 1981, he moved to the position of head of the Department, and then Director of the Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Moscow medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov, became a consultant Of the Russian scientific center of surgery RAMS. M. I. Perelman author of 24 monographs and books, 32 chapters in domestic and foreign manuals and books, 35 articles in encyclopedias, 250 articles in the Central domestic and foreign journals, author or consultant of 9 scientific and educational films, was the supervisor of 68 candidate and scientific consultant in the preparation of 25 doctoral dissertations. Mikhail was the editor-in-chief of the journal "problems of tuberculosis and lung diseases", Deputy editor-in-chief of the "medical referral journal", a member of the editorial Board of the multi-volume edition of "International Trendsin" General Thoracic Surgery", magazines of" world of Surgery"," Pulmonology "and"world of Surgery". In 2013, Mikhail Perelman died and was buried at Novodevichy cemetery.

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