
The article deals with praseological units that contain the lexemes diabeł ‘devil’ and diabelski ‘devilish’, excerpted from dictionaries of standard and dialectal Polish. The study is based on the assumption that a description of location as a languacultural category, manifest in these units, will be non-differential and panchronic; however, characteristic features of two languacultural areas (i.e., traditional folk culture and contemporary culture) are taken into account. In the phraseological units being investigated, the category of location appears either on the expression plane (it functions as a component of a given unit) or on the content plane (the place is the meaning of the unit), and its exponent is either a common noun or a proper name. Several aspects of the category of location, as it functions in the lexico-semantic field of "devil”, have been revealed: (i) the folk culture (spiritual culture, folk beliefs in demonology); (ii) location as a category that is evaluated and that is used in evaluation, in the context of the US–THEM opposition; (iii) cultural changes (in the city and in the country).


  • The article deals with praseological units that contain the lexemes diabeł ‘devil’ and diabelski ‘devilish’, excerpted from dictionaries of standard and dialectal Polish

  • Że opis ten będzie miał charakter niedyferencjalny oraz panchroniczny

  • Řim ‘nazwa pustk 3 należących do Kożyczkowa’; nazwą miejscowości, 1 NKPP notuje wiele jednostek, które – zgodnie z jej zapisami – mają poświadczenie zarówno w gwarach, jak i w polszczyźnie ogólnej

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The article deals with praseological units that contain the lexemes diabeł ‘devil’ and diabelski ‘devilish’, excerpted from dictionaries of standard and dialectal Polish. Przestrzeń to jedna z podstawowych kategorii antropologicznych – konstrukcja kulturowa, która porządkuje świat i wyznacza w nim miejsce dla człowieka. Jako fakt kulturowy jest ona nośnikiem określonych znaczeń (Adamowski 1999: 13) i wartościowań.

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