
This paper develops an array micro-grooves manufacturing method using micro electrochemical machining (ECM) with disk electrode, which is prepared by in-situ micro wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM). This technology focuses on the difficulty of array structure manufacture in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). A micro-ECM system is built based on the micro-WEDM machine to achieve high precision processing of the array micro-grooves. Since micro-WEDM has good performance in high precision machining of the rotating structure, single and multi-edge disk electrodes can be fabricated in-situ using graphite. The as-prepared disk tool electrode is directly used for micro-electrochemical milling of the array micro-grooves without disassembling away from the device, which avoids the positioning error caused by the re-clamping of the disk electrode. With the advantages of high surface quality and no electrode loss, micro-ECM improves the manufacture performance of the micro-parts. Through wire path optimization, the shape accuracy of the disk edge is improved. After the research of the micro-ECM parameters, the process is improved, and finally, the high precision array micro-grooves are obtained. This method combines the advantages of micro-WEDM and disk electrode micro-ECM milling, and it is convenient for large-scale manufacture of array micro-structures on micro-parts and MEMS.


  • Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMSs) are smaller in size in comparison with traditional mechatronic systems

  • Based on the characteristics of the array micro-grooves, and aiming at the defects of the existing methods, this paper proposes a method that disk tool electrode is fabricated by micro-wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), in-situ micro-electrochemical machining (ECM) for micro-grooves

  • Through multi-edges disk electrodes, it is helpful for efficient manufacturing array micro-grooves without re-casting layer, surface quality of the workpiece is improved

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Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMSs) are smaller in size in comparison with traditional mechatronic systems. For micro-manufacture, the size of tool electrode is generally about tens of micrometers, once the tool electrodes away situ after fabrication, clamping error appears when re-clamping for array structure processing This error seriously affects the precision, and it is extremely detrimental to the performance of the array micro-grooves. Micro-WEDM shows high precision in the rotary structure machining, so we use it to make disk electrodes with different edge width. Through multi-edges disk electrodes, it is helpful for efficient manufacturing array micro-grooves without re-casting layer, surface quality of the workpiece is improved. We optimize the cutting trajectory to obtain a multi-edges disk electrode of high quality, and adjust the parameters of micro-ECM. MMiiccrroo--eelleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall mmiilllliinngg ppaarraammeetteerrss ooff tthhee ssiinnggllee--eeddggee ddiisskk eelleeccttrrooddee. TThhee ggrraapphhiittee uusseedd iinn tthhiiss eexxppeerriimmeenntt hhaass aa ggrraaiinn ssiizzee ooff 77 μμmm,, aanndd iitt ccaann rreedduuccee eelleeccttrroollyyttee ccoorrrroossion oonntthheeddiisskkeelleeccttrrooddee..WWhheenntthheeeeddggeewwididtthhisisaabboouutt110000––220000μμmm,,sshhaappeeaacccuurraaccyyisiseennssuurreedd. We select 0.2 wt% NaNO3 as the best electrolyte concentration in the research

Influence of Electrical Parameters
Micro-Groove Manufacture by the Optimized Parameters
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