Most modern computer applications use reversible logic gates to solve power dissipation issues. This manuscript uses an efficient multi-functional reversible arithmetic and logical unit (MF-RALU) to perform 30 operations. The 32-bit MF-RALU includes arithmetic, logical, complement, shifters, multiplexers, different adders, and multipliers. The multi-bit reversible multiplexers are used to construct the MF-RALU structure. The Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor is designed to realize the functionality of the MF-RALU. The MF-RALU can perform its operation in a single clock cycle. The 1-bit RALU is developed and compared with existing approaches with improvements in performance metrics. The 32-bit reversible arithmetic units (RAUs) and reversible logical units (RLUs) are constructed using 1-bit RALU. The MF-RALU and RISC processor are synthesized individually in the Vivado environment using Verilog-HDL and implemented on Artix-7 field programmable gate array (FPGA). The MF-RALU utilizes a <11% chip area and consumes 332 mW total power. The RISC processor utilizes a <3% chip area and works at 483 MHZ frequency by consuming 159 mW of total power on Artix-7 FPGA.
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