
Realizing a Tourism Village through Provision of Clean, Health, Safety & Environment, Excellent Service and Exploring, Packaging & Presentation
 Sumber Urip Village, Selupu Rejang District, Rejang Lebong Regency is one of the tourist villages in Bengkulu Province that requires tourism development. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu held the development of Regional Tourism Village 1 A (Sumatra) with the aim of providing understanding to participants about the importance of implementing clean, health, safety & environment, excellent service and explore, packaging & presentation in building a tourist village. Another goal was to increase the tourism awareness movement so that it could develop the cultural and tourism potential that exists in tourist villages. The activity was carried out on September 8, 2020 and continued with assistance in Sumber Urip Village. The technical guidance was attended by 25 participants from tourism-aware community groups, village-owned enterprises, village officials and assistants from students. Overall, the activity was successful and received a positive response from the participants. 100% of participants expressed satisfaction with the material about the development of tourist villages presented in this community service activity.


  • Realizing a Tourism Village through Provision of Clean, Health, Safety & Environment, Excellent Service and Exploring, Packaging & Presentation

  • Village Tourism Assistance, Village 1 A (Sumatra) with the aim of providing understanding to participants about the Technical Guidance importance of implementing clean, health, safety & environment, excellent service and explore, packaging & presentation in building a tourist village. Another goal was to increase the tourism awareness movement so that it could develop the cultural and tourism potential that exists in tourist villages

  • The technical guidance was attended by 25 participants from tourism-aware community groups, village-owned enterprises, village officials and assistants from students

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Metode evaluasi

Metode evaluasi merupakan tahapan akhir yang dilakukan untuk mengukur sampai dimana pemahaman peserta bimtek terkait materi yang telah disampaikan oleh para narasumber. Metode evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada semua peserta kegiatan. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Kegiatan Bimbingan Teknis Pendampingan Desa Wisata Regional 1A (Sumatera) dilaksanakan dilaksanakan terhadap masyarakat yang berperan dalam pengembangan desa wisata. Materi yang diberikan diantaranya adalah Sadar wisata dan Sapta Pesona; Clean, Health, Safety dan Environmetal Sustainability (CHSE); dan Pelayanan Prima, serta Exploring, Packaging dan Presentation yang disampaikan langsung oleh para narasumber (Tabel 1). Materi ini sejalan dengan program utama Kemenparekraf dalam pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia yang berbasis CHSE. Topik Materi dan Narasumber Bimbingan Teknis Pendampingan Desa Wisata Regional 1A (Sumatera)

Pengembangan potensi produk wisata
Sound system
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