
The article marked the main methods of improving the competent knowledge of students busy in aquafitness, the direction of developing the structure and content of the conditions that involve the use of information technologies that promote the creation, implementation and correction of individual projects of healthy lifestyle and provide the formation of self- government skills for cognitive activity within the physical culture - health and professional orientation. as well as ways to optimize the formation of students of a higher education institution desire for systematic aquafitness lessons. The aim of the study. To determine the methods of improving the competence knowledge of the students of education in the course of aquafitness classes. Methodology. Methods were used to solve the research tasks: theoretical analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, survey, pedagogical observation, testing and methods of mathematical statistics.
 To master the system of knowledge, skills, motor skills, their creative use in educational activities and physical self- improvement during aquafitness classes, the method of giving students freedom of choice was used, to improve the competence knowledge of students, the method of anticipatory independent work was used, with the aim of creating conditions for overcoming cognitive difficulties during aquafitness classes, a problematic method was used. Scientific novelty of the research. The methods of influencing the formation of special abilities and skills among students during aquafitness classes with the aim of improving competence knowledge have been determined. Conclusions. Trends in the development of modern society, its pronounced informatization necessitate the increasingly widespread use of information technologies in the field of education, where the need for their creation and use during aquafitness classes is especially growing.

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