
Topicality. Modern challenges associated with both radical changes in the economic development of the technological order, and certain shifts in the foundations of science, predetermine the need for a new understanding of the methodology of cognition of the increasingly complex phenomena and processes of socio-economic, economic-ecological and other transformations. Aim and tasks. In this work, the goal is to give a critical assessment of the state of development of the methodology of cognition of development processes and to draw attention to the need for a new understanding of the methodology of science in general and specific scientific areas. The goal-setting of methodological problems is focused on solving the problems of developing new methods and theoretical means of cognition, problems of forecasting and constructing future social reality. Research results. The general and special issues of the development of the methodology of cognition of complex systems are considered. In the classical sense, methodology is interpreted in a widely known sense as the science of methods, as a set of methods used in any science. The work pays special attention to the three-dimensional functional model of the methodology that implements the functions of obtaining new knowledge, structuring it and organizing the use of new knowledge, clarifies the concept of "cognition" in three-dimensional dimensions. The work confirms the feasibility and details the methodological and methodological possibilities of using the general parametric system theory according to A.I. Uyemov. Using the example of the coastal zone, a methodological approach to the description and analysis of a complex developing system in the context of solving problems of substantiating management decisions is considered. Attention is also paid to the possibility of using other methodological approaches to understanding complex processes, in particular, the use of a hypothetical-deductive method. In this paper, the problems of methodology of cognition and management are considered taking into account the paradigm of nonlinearity of complex systems. Conclusions. The paper presents the results of the discussion of the problems of development of the methodology for the study of complex developing systems both in terms of their knowledge and in terms of substantiating management decisions. The problems of the methodology are considered in a multidimensional dimension, in particular, in the classical and post-non-classical interpretation. The research results are focused on solving modern socio-ecological and economic problems and future problems associated with the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies.

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