
The presence of spatial frames of various kinds is a universal characteristic of the regional economy. At the same time, problems arise in the formation of a unified methodological approach to their identification and to ensure the balance of these frameworks with each other. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodological approach to assessing the spatial frameworks of the region and their balance with each other. When analyzing the balance, the methods of consistency of various socio-economic phenomena are considered: ranking, structural, aggregated and systematic approach. A multicriteria approach to assessing the balance of frameworks is presented on the basis of the identified frameworks of the Republic of Bashkortostan: industrial, agricultural, tourist-recreational and settlement. For this, a set of indicators has been formed that characterize spatial frames in statics and in dynamics. The agricultural framework for the most part "stretched" between the conditional agglomerations of the Republic of Bashkortostan, forming a belt of food supply for the settlement system. The industrial framework repeats the historical prevailing points of concentration, mainly, of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The tourist and recreational framework mainly covers the regions of the Trans-Urals, the main part of tourist routes, a significant number of sanatoriums. In general, we can talk about a certain imbalance in the spatial development of the republic and the need to take measures for the development of depressed areas in the region.

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