
The subject of the study is the social and labor relations between the subjects of the labor market and in the field of employment regarding the use of labor in the production of goods. The aim of the work is to clarify the understanding of the labor market and the sphere of employment as socio-economic phenomena and categories reflecting them, to overcome their confusion, and to identify differences in the content of each of them. The methods of analysis and content analysis of scientific publications, comparison, logical generalization, and a systematic approach are applied. The novelty consists in revealing the essence of the labor market as a sphere of exchange, in which there is a purchase and sale of labor; in the scientific definition of the sphere of employment, within which the ability to work passes from the worker-bearer to the disposal of the employer, under whose control new value is created, including surplus value. As a result of the study, an attempt was made to scientifically determine the essential foundations of the labor market and employment, highlight their characteristic features, and divide them into 2 independent phenomena. Refuting the widely spread theory that the labor force is rented out by its bearer on the labor market, the author, on the basis of well-founded scientific data, comes to the conclusion that the labor force, human abilities can only be sold or donated by their owner, but in no case are rented out. The results of the study can be used in scientific developments, the practice of organizing and remuneration of labor by state, municipal, and economic authorities, and universities of the country.

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