
Ukraine is globally famous primarily for its agriculture and rocketry, although there are many other industries that can soon become if not the «locomotive» of the national economy, then at least a «fairly powerful player» capable of positively influencing socio-economic situation in the country. One such «players» is likely to be the hunting economy. An important guarantee of sustainable development of this industry is the use of appropriate mechanisms of public administration. At the same time, scientists now offer various combinations of mechanisms (methods, tools) for managing both the national economy as a whole and its individual industries/spheres (including the hunting economy). However, the effectiveness of such influence significantly depends on the proper methodological support of this process, and therefore the importance of the classification of mechanisms of public management of the development of the hunting economy is growing. All the above-mentioned determines the relevance of the given research. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The problem of public administration of the development of the hunting economy’s counteraction to corporate raiding has become a cornerstone in a number of dissertation studies and scientific publications by representatives of various fields of knowledge: 05 «Social and behavioral sciences», 07 «Management and administration», 08 «Law», 28 «Public administration and management». In spite of this, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the subject. Research objective. The article aims to supplement the existing methodology of the field of knowledge 28 «Public administration and management», which entails the improving the classification of public administration mechanisms for the development of the hunting economy and specifying the list of specific means (within the traditional methods) of public administration of the hunting economy. The starting point is dissertation research and professional publications of leading scientists who have investigated the specifics of mechanisms of public administration of the hunting economy. The starting point is dissertation research and professional publications of leading scientists who have investigated the peculiarities of counter-raiding. A comprehensive approach was used that involved the following empirical and theoretical methods: abstract-logical – for theoretical generalisations and the formation of conclusions; analysis and synthesis – to determine the factors affecting the nature and direction of public administration; comparative analysis – to study the developments of leading domestic scientists focused on the specifics of public administration mechanisms for the development of the hunting economy. Ensuring a sustainable pace of forestry development is possible under the use of appropriate mechanisms of public administration in this sector. The existing methodology of public administration of the hunting economy has been supplemented, which included improving the classification of such mechanisms based on: level, subject, object, method, and impact goals. In addition to scientifically sound methodological underpinnings (understanding: what, when, who, and how exactly to act), proper staffing, organisational, logistical, legal, and information support is also needed. Continued scientific research on this topic will foster the development of the domestic hunting economy, in particular by improving the methodological basis for public administration in this area.

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