
The current existence of our state is connected with external armed aggression, violation of its territorial integrity and inviolability and other challenges to national security in many areas. There is a urgent need to seek political and diplomatic support for Ukraine from powerful democracies and international security institutions. Formation of a positive image of Ukraine in the world, establishment of mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations, obtaining political and economic support of partners are possible only under the condition of creation and effective functioning of diplomatic mechanisms. Diplomatic missions, consular posts and special missions operating in Ukraine play an important role in this process. Creating proper conditions for the activities of such diplomatic missions, ensuring their security and establishing effective communication is the responsibility of the authorized subjects of public administration of our country. Scientific research in the field of public safety management of such facilities does not lose its relevance and is aimed at developing scientifically sound practical recommendations in this area.The article considers the functioning of the organizational and legal mechanism of public administration of security of diplomatic facilities in Ukraine. The study is based on the historical experience of the development of certain aspects and priorities of Ukraine's foreign policy. The relationship with the peculiarities of public administration in the field of security of diplomatic missions, persons and facilities that enjoy international protection in the host country. Some norms of the basic international conventions accepted in the field of diplomatic, consular activity, functioning of special missions and representations of the states in their relations with the international organizations of universal character are analyzed. Typical functions of public administration are investigated. The functions of state management to ensure the security of diplomatic facilities in Ukraine, which are designed to provide forecasting, planning, organization, regulation, coordination, accounting and control in this area of relations. On the basis of the defined functions of public administration the list of tasks which should provide their practical realization is offered.

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