
Based on the use of the activity approach in humanitarian Studies, the methodic foundations of the formation of the didactic concept-terminological syStem “socio-cultural activity” were formulated and subStantiated. The classification of the main concepts of the proposed terminological syStem was carried out, in particular, the basic and derived concepts were highlighted. Based on the terminological analysis of scientific sources, author’s definitions of main concepts such as: person, activity, behavior, society, space are proposed. Based on the principles of terminological work, basic concepts are expanded into derived concepts of the proposed didactic syStem, such as: human activity, social activity, cultural activity, sociocultural activity, sociocultural space, sociocultural sphere, sociocultural syStem, sociocultural complex, sociocultural cluSter, sociocultural induStry, etc. The author’s vision of Structuring spheres of socio-cultural activity based on the selection of their types and forms is proposed. The components of the socio-cultural space at different taxonomic levels from global to local, as well as at the level of cooperation of various taxonomic subjects are subStantiated. Basic and related spheres of socio-cultural activity are identified and Structured by species, and their subject components at the macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-levels of socio-cultural analysis are determined. We can State that the didactic concept-terminological syStem “socio-cultural activity” is based on the categories: person, activity, society, space and is described through the concretization of such general scientific concepts as: space – a syStem of relations and connections; sphere – a set (plurality) of constituent components diStinguished by various characteriStics; syStem – a combination of elements and their connections; a complex is a system with a high density of connections. In the future, the proposed syStem can be used for the preparation of educational and methodological publications, in particular, as the basic conception of the educational manual “Socio-cultural activity”, as well as for the formation of terminological and reference publications and the creation of electronic training courses on the MOODLE platform, in particular, the filling of their components such as “Keywords” and “Glossary”.

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