
The paradigmatic approach in the theory of socio-cultural activity is a practical-oriented concept of personality’s complex a development. The urgency of considering the diagnostic potential of the paradigmatic approach is due to the need for further improvement of practice-oriented methods in the field of socio-cultural activities. The object of research is socio-cultural activity as a phenomenon of culture and the pedagogical practice of designing the sociocultural sphere of society. The subject is the levels of conceptualization of the paradigms of socio-cultural (educational) activity. The prospective objective of the study is developing a method for diagnosing the effectiveness of the institutional paradigm of higher education institutions of culture in the direction of students' socio-cultural activities on the basis of this approach. The current task is to structure the levels of conceptualization of the paradigms of socio-cultural activity. We single out the personal, institutional, regional, national-state and genetic levels and come to the conclusion that the socio-cultural activity of the educated person assumes the maximum complex effect in case it takes into account the conditions of the paradigms of socio-cultural activities at all levels. Characteristics of the directions of the spheres of factor influence on the personality’s development included in a specific type of socio-cultural activity and comparing with its impact on the level of inculturation, individualization and selfrealization of the individual make it possible to develop a universal diagnostic methodology of practice-oriented technologies of personality’s complex development in the sphere of socio-cultural activity.

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