
One of the most interesting subjects of study to the concientious teacher is that of methods of instruction. It is indispensable to his success that he should be familiar with all existing methods, so that he may intelligently choose that one, or that combination, which is best suited to his peculiar conditions. Generally the age of the pupils, the time allotted for instruction in Modern Languages, and the place these occupy in the curriculum—by which I mean the object of studying them—are beyond our control. Modern Languages are studied, for example,1.As an accomplishment.2.Because other schools offer them, and with no special ulterior object, or with a vague idea of some intellectual benefit.3.To serve the purposes of a summer trip abroad.4.As a means of improvement in the use of one's native tongue.5.For general culture obtainable by reading foreign literature.6.For philological research or amusement.7.For acquiring the ability to consult foreign scientific and technical publications.8.For business correspondence.9.Because business, family, or friendly relations bring with them personal intercourse with foreigners.10.To teach them.

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