
Background. The perspective substrates for elaboration of biopreparations in biogas technologies were considered. Objective . The aim of the study is selection from farm wastes (pig manure, chicken excrements and fermented farm wastes) storage cultures of mesophilous bacteria communities, comparative analysis of methane producing, selection and identification of methane-producing bacteria cultures. Methods. Bacteria cultures were grown in anaerobic conditions on liquid and solid Zhylina nutrient media with addition of sodium acetate under temperature +33 ± 2 °C. Content of gaseous metabolites was estimated by using gas chromatograph LHM-8MD. Culture patterns were taken in argon flow, were fixed, Gram stained and viewed in light microscope. Results. All selected storage cultures efficiently produced methane, about 10–15 vol. % of methane has been accumulated in bottles since the 12 th day of cultivation. Сultures selected from fermented wastes had high yields of methane emission is about 28 vol. %. Cultures of methane-producing bacteria were received by passages on liquid and solid nutrient media with addition of amoxicillin. Bacteria of Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta genus were identified. Conclutions . Obtained cultures are perspective ones for elaboration of bacterial preparations and their further using in biogas technologies. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=,o=0;o


  • The perspective substrates for elaboration of biopreparations

  • Bacteria cultures were grown in anaerobic conditions

  • C. Content of gaseous metabolites was estimated by using gas chromatograph LHM-8MD

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The perspective substrates for elaboration of biopreparations in biogas technologies were considered. Bacteria cultures were grown in anaerobic conditions on liquid and solid Zhylina nutrient media with addition of sodium acetate under temperature +33 ± 2 C. All selected storage cultures efficiently produced methane, about 10—15 vol % of methane has been accumulated in bottles since the 12th day of cultivation. Cultures of methane-producing bacteria were received by passages on liquid and solid nutrient media with addition of amoxicillin. Obtained cultures are perspective ones for elaboration of bacterial preparations and their further using in biogas technologies. Кeywords: Anaerobic mesophilous bacteria communities; Methane-producing bacteria; Methanosarcina; Methanosaeta. На сьогодні бioгазові технології набули поширення не тільки в агропромисловому комплексі та на станціях очистки стічних вод: їх застосовують також для утилізації відходів харчової промисловості [3], різноманітних ресурсів біомаси, таких як силос [1], водорості [4, 5] тощо. Сучасні наукові розробки в галузі проводять за такими напрямами: впровадження технологічних ліній зброджування полікомпонентних субстратів на основі сільськогосподарських, лісогосподарських та промислових відходів; модернізація обладнання для підготовки субстрату, зброджування та систем когенерації; розробка мікробних і ферментних препаратів

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