Ceramic baseplates are important elements in the power modules of electric drives. This paper presents low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) and high-temperature cofired ceramic (HTCC) materials for the fabrication of three-dimensional power modules. The silver-based metallization and power module assembly are presented, together with aluminum-based power wire bonding and an industrial procedure to achieve high solderability and bondability. The results of the bond tests using different metallization materials, especially cost-effective ones, are presented, together with the assembly of the power modules. The best results were achieved with Ag metallization and 380 µm Al wire and with Ag–Pd metallization and 25 µm Al wire, both on an LTCC base. The paper concludes with a dual-pulse electrical test of the power modules, which proves the quality of metallization, the type of material selected, and the correctness of the wire bonding and assembly.
Ceramic microsystems are used in applications where chemical, thermal, and mechanical stability are important [1,2,3,4]
low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) are most commonly glass–ceramic composite materials, while high-temperature cofired ceramic (HTCC) are generally alumina with sintering aids [11]
LTCCs and HTCCs are used in many industrial areas
Ceramic microsystems are used in applications where chemical, thermal, and mechanical stability are important [1,2,3,4]. Most power electronic circuits that use ceramic baseplates are made of sandwich-like substrates composed of two metal layers brazed on both sides of a ceramic plate. These are known as direct copper bonding (DCB) substrates or active metal braze (AMB) substrates. In high-power modules, such as common printed circuit boards (PCBs), the components are soldered on conductive areas called pads. The ceramic layer is, in most cases, composed of alumina-based ceramics (Al2O3), which offer relatively good thermal and Materials 2022, 15, 1036. IInnsstteeaadd ooff aalluummiinnaa,, aalluummiinnuumm nniittrriiddee ((AAllNN)) iiss uusseedd iinn ssoommee ssyysstteemmssbbeeccaauusseeofofitsitbsebtteetrtetrhetrhmeraml parloppreorptieerstioerszoirrcozniricao-bnaias-ebdacseerdamceircasmbeiccsaubseecaouf stheeoirf bthetetierrbmetetcehr amneiccahlapnriocapleprtrioespe[1r5ti]e.sT[h1e5]e.lTechteroenleiccterloenmicenetlsemareenctosnanreecctoendnwecitthedmwetiathl tmraecteasl otrnacaecseoranmaiccebraasme,ibcubtassoem, beuotfstohme ecoomf pthoenecnotms pnoenedenttosbneeceodntnoecbteedcounsninegctewdiruesbinogndwinirge. The electrical test, presented in the final section, confirms that the material selection and their combinations as well as the methods used are appropriate
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