
(Ba,Sr)RuO 3 films have been tailored as an electrode for (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 which is a promising material for the high dielectric in ULSI DRAM. In this study, BSR conductive oxide film was deposited on 4-inch Si-wafer by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using single cocktail source for the practical device application. Liquid delivery system (LDS) and vaporization cell were utilized for the delivery and vaporization of single cocktail source, respectively. The source feeding rate was controlled by liquid mass flow controller(LMFC). Ba(METHD) 2 , Sr(METHD) 2 , Ru(METHD) 3 precursors and solvent [n-butylacetate(C 6 H 12 O 2 )] were mixed for single coctail source. Among the various deposition parameters, control of the oxygen flow rate turned out to be crucial for determining the phase formation, resistivity, and the composition ratio of (Ba,Sr)RuO 3 films. Highly (110)-textured (Ba,Sr)RuO 3 film was obtained when Ar/O 2 ratio was 100/300sccm with the source flow rate of 0.075sccm. Oxygen annealing of (Ba,Sr)RuO 3 films enhanced the properties of the films without changing the (110) texture, and the resistivity of the resulted film was 2440 w z cm.

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