
Abstract: The drug problem in Indonesia is still something that is urgent and complex. In the last decade this problem has become widespread. Evidenced by the significant increase in the number of drug abusers or addicts, along with the increasing disclosure of drug crime cases, the pattern of which is increasingly diverse and the syndicate network is getting more massive. The Indonesian people, and even the world community, in general, are currently facing a very worrying situation due to the widespread illegal use of various types of drugs. This concern is getting sharpened due to the rampant illicit trafficking of narcotics which has spread to all levels of society, including among the younger generation. This will greatly affect the life of the nation and state in the future. The behavior of some teenagers who have clearly ignored the values, norms and laws that apply in people's lives is one of the causes of the rise of drug use among the younger generation. In everyday life in the midst of society there are still many teenagers who still abuse drugs.
 The purpose of this service activity is to increase the knowledge of adolescents by educating them about the dangers of juvenile delinquency which will impact their future, one of the negative effects of which is the dangers of narcotics among adolescents. The implementation method that we do is the Communication, Information, and Education counseling method using Power Point media. And the results of the counseling that we did to students of SMK Negeri 2 Setu, Bekasi, namely being able to understand well and also look interactive and be able to answer questions that our group asked about the influence of juvenile delinquency and narcotics.

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