
Implementation of this research was conducted in Oktober to Nopember 2020. The purpose of this study is to obtain information about student learning outcomes in the subject matter in the algebra class VIID SMPN 1 Margomulyo after using the method of giving gssignment model. The subject of this research is the students of class VIID SMPN 1 Margomulyo in odd semester of academic year 2020-2021 with the number of students 26 students consisting of 10 men and 16 women. This classroom action research is implemented in 3 cycles consisting of one meetings each. Data collection is done by using learning result test, observation, and student's response. Then the research analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. From the analysis results of third cycles obtained learners' learning completeness on the subject of Operation Calculate Algebraic Form is increased. This can be seen from the improvement of students' learning mastery that is the result of post test prasiklus value that experienced 15.38% completeness, in cycle 1 to 23.08%, in cycle 2 increased to 33.33%, and in cycle 3 increased to 92.31%.. This it can be concluded that from the third complete test result of learning as much as 92.31% so it can be said that learners learn mastery can be achieved. From the observation of the three cycles also experienced increased learning activities of learners, learners are increasingly more enthusiastic to follow the learning, active cooperative, daring to ask


  • Kegiatan ini di laksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai dengan Nopember 2020

  • The subject of this research is the students of class VIID SMPN 1 Margomulyo in odd semester of academic year 2020-2021 with the number of students 26 students consisting of 10 men and 16 women

  • Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Faktorisasi Suku Aljabar Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Blok Aljabar Siswa Kelas VII C Semester 1 SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo

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Dan kadangkala ada yang mengembangkan hasil belajarnya dengan cara belajar sendiri di rumah atau belajar sendiri. Driana (2012) mengungkapkan hasil Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) dan Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tahun 2011, nilai rata-rata matematika siswa kelas VII menempati urutan ke-38 dari 42 negara, di bawah Indonesia ada Suriah, Maroko, Oman, dan Ghana. Dari data yang didapat di SMP Negeri 1 Margomulyo Kabupaten Bojonegoro bahwa pembelajaran matematika masih kurang berjalan dengan baik, banyak siswa yang mendapatkan nilai kurang, mungkin semua itu sangatlah disesali olehpengajar. Penggunaan model belajar atau metode serta keterampilan guru dalam mengajar sangatlah dibutuhkan guna mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan oleh semua guru. Banyak siswa yang merasa takut atau canggung dalam belajar Matemetika karena pembelajaran dirasakan sangatlah sulit dan sangatlah membosankan, siswa banyak yang mengeluh

Pengertian PTK
Pengertian Hasil Belajar Matematika
Model Pemberian Tugas
Deskripsi Hasil Siklus I
Sangat Tinggi
Rata Rata Nilai Jumlah siswa Tuntas Belajar
Tes II
Deskripsi Hasil Pelaksanaan Siklus III
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