
<span><em>Teacher who able to effective communication with student, of course they </em><span><em>will optimize the effectiveness of their job gives instruction to the student </em><span><em>become the faithful man. Al-Qur’an and Al-hadith as the guidance of </em><span><em>human discusses clearly how to make effective communication. Effective </em><span><em>communication is communication which is use good language both of verbal </em><span><em>and nonverbal appropriate with the situation and condition so the purpose </em><span><em>of communication will be achieved. Model of Teacher Communication </em><span><em>that explain in Al-Qur’an are: 1) Qaulan Balighan: the model of teacher </em><span><em>communication to touch cognitive and affective aspect of student, 2) Qaulan </em><span><em>layyinan: flxible communication model of teacher for student who have </em><span><em>bad character, 3) Qaulan Ma’rufa: the model of teacher communication </em><span><em>with student as their parents, 4) Qaulan Maisuran: the model of teacher </em><span><em>communication who has been unable to fulfil the demand of students who </em><span><em>fid diffiulty, 5) Qaulan Karima: model of teacher communication with </em><span><em>someone who are older or higher status, 6) Qaulan Sadida: model of teacher</em><br /><span><em>communication remind the students emphatically. Prophet Muhammad SAW </em><span><em>as the teacher has good communication therefore acceptable by His Ummah </em><span><em>and followed all his deeds and says. The best teachers are teachers who are</em><br /><span><em>able to provide the best educational method which is able to communicate </em><span><em>with the students using best way of communication.</em><br /><span><strong>Keywords: </strong><span><em>Effective Communication, Teacher, Student, Islam.</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" /></span></span>

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