
Köprülü Canyon is one of the largest national parks in Turkey with a high diversity of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). Local communities gather MAPs to provide for their subsistence and primary healthcare needs as well as to generate income. Unfortunately, uncontrolled harvesting is presently threatening many species. Long-term conservation and sustainability of these plant populations is necessary for meeting the needs of present and future generations. In this paper the values of MAPs in Köprülü Canyon are analyzed in the light of their significance for human well-being. The major reasons for the degradation of MAPs (livelihood, market, institutional and information failures) and the need for economic incentives are discussed. Taking into account the natural and socio-economic circumstances and reasons for the resource depletion, possible economic incentives are investigated. These include: support for organic agriculture and commercialization, charge for ecotourism operators, park entry fees and support for alternative income generating activities, and traditional agricultural. Moreover, alternative economic incentives (regulation and marketbased instruments and development of GEF Small Grants Programme—SGP) are proposed in order to strengthen the success of the commended incentives.

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