
The current state of medical services has long become one of the most important issues of understanding what exactly should serve as a template for their required quality, and why, the role and responsibility of a medical worker are not always considered as the main factors in resolving a situation when the life and health of a patient were exposed to unjustified danger. The article is devoted to the author's new approach to the criminal law regulation of public relations in the field of medical services. Purpose of the article: The author aims to present a scientific approach and scientific substantiation of the possibility of the emergence in the future of a new sub-branch of criminal law - medical criminal law. Methodology and methods: the article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, as well as the method of interpretation of legal norms, which make it possible to better comprehend the institutions of criminal law and highlight a new branch of law Conclusions: the problem of the presence of imperfections in the current legislation is relevant to study, as evidenced by judicial practice in criminal cases, discussions and works of legal scholars. The author, citing examples from practice, draws attention to the density of the relationship between the sphere of medical services and other related services, and also draws parallels between the grounds that can and should cause the emergence of the considered branch of law. Application of the results: The article is intended for the widest range of readers, including undergraduate and graduate students of higher educational institutions, who study the problems and imperfections of the current criminal law. The material can be used as a guide for the preparation of practical and seminars.

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