
According to Aristotle, man is a “zoon politicon" meaning that humans essentially always want to interact in society. However, this view is different from Thomas Hobbes who mentioned that human nature, namely "homo momini lupus", meaning that humans are wolves to other humans. Man's desire to meet his needs often causes problems. The process of solving legal problems in Indonesia can be classified into two categories: litigation or non-litigation (alternative dispute resolution Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 1999 on Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa provides a new perspective on problem resolution, but the law only addresses a problem in the form of a dispute, whereas problem can also become conflict. In addition, people often hold the view that dispute resolution through alternative dispute resolution is only a matter of civil matters. This research uses the Doctrinal Legal Research Method. This research will discuss and draw conclusions about what is the difference between dispute and conflict and its relation to alternative dispute resolution? As well as how to resolve disputes and legal conflicts in Indonesia in the perspective of alternative dispute resolution?.

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