
Abstract The mechanism and sensitivity of the lagged response of tropical tropospheric temperature to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) SST forcing are examined using the Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model (QTCM) coupled to a slab mixed layer ocean model, along with a simple analytical model. It is found that the lag and amplitude of tropospheric temperature response depend on mixed layer depth (MLD), ENSO SST forcing period, areal fraction of the mixed layer ocean, and the strength of Tropics to midlatitude transports. The phase lag is not a monotonic function of mixed layer depth. It maximizes at moderate MLD and, thus, is not very sensitive to MLD in the realistic range. The phase lag asymptotes to values determined by free-atmospheric time scales, between 1 and 2 months, for small or large values of MLD. The amplitude of the tropospheric temperature response decreases with increasing MLD. The phase lag and amplitude of tropospheric temperature both increase as a specified ENSO SST forcing period increases and they appear to be rather insensitive to the seasonal cycle of SST. On the other hand, the phase lag and amplitude of mixed layer ocean SST change monotonically with MLD and ENSO forcing period, with a deeper mixed layer producing longer lag and smaller amplitude of SST anomalies. Longer ENSO SST forcing periods correspond to longer lag and larger amplitude of mixed layer ocean SST anomalies. While the ENSO region convective heating (precipitation) anomalies are closely tied to SST anomalies, the tropical mean precipitation seems best viewed as a complex by-product of the response rather than as a driver. One useful parameter determining the lag of tropospheric temperature to ENSO SST is the freedecay time scale of the coupled system. This parameter combines the effects of surface flux exchanges, heat loss at the top of the atmosphere and from the Tropics to midlatitudes, and finite ocean heat capacity. It is indicative of the extent to which the lagged response of tropical tropospheric temperature to ENSO SST is a coupled phenomenon. Overall, the contribution of coupling to SST outside the ENSO region substantially increases the amplitude and lag of the tropospheric temperature response to ENSO.

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